
You can also explore a probably more updated version of my publications at Google Scholar.


  • Juan Zamora and Jérémie Sublime. 2023. “An Ensemble and Multi-View Clustering Method Based on Kolmogorov Complexity” Entropy 25, no. 2: 371.

  • Ibáñez Orellana, R., Zamora, J., Cisnero Correa, M., & Aguirre Rozas, S. (2022). Análisis automático de la complejidad sintáctica de textos escolares. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 91, 127-142.

  • Merino, Cristian, Catalina Iturbe-Sarunic, Brant G. Miller, Christine E. Parent, John G. Phillips, Sonia Pino, José Miguel Garrido, Andoni Arenas, Juan Zamora. ‘Snailed It! Inside the Shell: Using Augmented Reality as a Window Into Biodiversity’. Frontiers in Education 7 (2022).

  • Andrea Santana, Romualdo Ibañez, Fernando Moncada and Juan Zamora. “Causal connective expressions in textbooks written in Spanish: A comparative study of four primary school subjects”. In Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 182, (pp. 104-117). 2021.

  • Juan Zamora, and Jérémie Sublime. “A New Information Theory Based Clustering Fusion Method for Multi-view Representations of Text Documents.” . In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 156–167).2020.

  • Juan Zamora, Héctor Allende-Cid and Marcelo Mendoza. “Distributed Clustering of Text Collections”.IEEE Access 7 (2019): 155671–155685.

  • Héctor Allende-Cid, Juan Zamora, Pedro Alfaro-Faccio and María Francisca Alonso-Sánchez. “A Machine Learning Approach for the Automatic Classification of Schizophrenic Discourse”.In IEEE Access vol. 7 (pp. 45544–45553). 2019. IEEE.

  • Juan Zamora, Héctor Allende-Cid and Marcelo Mendoza. “A Distributed Shared Nearest Neighbors Clustering Algorithm.” . In Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (pp. 710–718). 2017.

  • Juan Zamora. “Recent Advances in High-Dimensional Clustering for Text Data”. In Claudio Moraga: A Passion for Multi-Valued Logic and Soft Computing (pp 323–337). 2017. Springer.

  • Juan Zamora, Marcelo Mendoza and Héctor Allende. “Hashing-based clustering in high dimensional data”.In Expert Systems with Applications. 2016. Elsevier.

  • Juan Zamora, Marcelo Mendoza, and Héctor Allende. “Query Intent Detection Based on Query Log Mining.”.J. Web Eng. 13, no.1&2 (pp. 24–52). 2014.

  • Juan Zamora, Miguel Guevara, Gabriela Dominguez, Héctor Allende, Alejandro Veloz and Rodrigo Salas. “On the Understanding of the Stream Volume Behavior on Twitter”. In Pattern Recognition, Applications and Methods (pp 171-180). 2013. Springer.

  • Gabriela Dominguez, Miguel Guevara, Marcelo Mendoza, and Juan Zamora. “A wavelet-based method for time series forecasting.” . In 2012 31st International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (pp. 91–94). 2012.

  • Gabriela Dominguez, Juan Zamora, Miguel Guevara, Héctor Allende and Rodrigo Salas. “Stream Volume Prediction in Twitter with Artificial Neural Networks..” . In ICPRAM vol. 2 (pp. 488–493). 2012.

  • Marcelo Mendoza and Juan Zamora. “Building decision trees to identify the intent of a user query.” . In International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (pp. 285–292).2009.

  • Marcelo Mendoza and Juan Zamora. “Identifying the intent of a user query using support vector machines.” . In International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (pp. 131–142).2009.


  • 2020-2023 Incremental and emotion-aware recommendations of news streams under non-stationary user preferences. ANID Fondecyt (Initiation in research) 11200826. Principal Investigator.

  • 2020-2024 Textos Escolares de Educación Básica: Una Propuesta con Validez Psicolingüística para dar cuenta de su Lecturabilidad. ANID FONDECYT Regular 1201440. Co-investigator.

  • 2018-2020. Clustering Distributed and High Dimensional Document Collections. FONDECYT POSTDOC 3180689, CHILE. Principal Investigator.

  • 2018-2020 Extracting Valuable Information from Complex-Valued Noisy SAR/PolSAR Images with Deep Learning – INSIDEr. CONICYT REDI170059. Associate researcher.

  • 2011-2014 Observatorios escalables de la web en tiempo real. FONDEF DO9I1185. Doctoral student.

  • 2012-2014 Effective data mining models on online social networks. FONDECYT 11121435. Doctoral student.

Internal Projects

  • 2021 Al interior del caracol: el uso de la realidad aumentada como una ventana en la biodiversidad. DI Investigación Innovadora Interdisciplinaria, PUCV. Co-Investigator.

  • 2020 Heterogeneous Algorithms for Multisource Data Clustering. DI Emergente, PUCV. Principal Investigator.

  • 2020 Las comunicaciones inalámbricas del futuro e IoT. DI Investigación Innovadora Interdisciplinaria, PUCV. Co-Investigator.

  • 2017 Parallel clustering techniques for distributed document collections. Postdoc PUCV, CHILE. Principal Investigator.